Sunday, August 28, 2011

Is Gas Holding Your Money Hostage?

As the years progress, so do the prices of gasoline. They have increasingly gotten more and more costly, which is causing people to stop making certain trips or even wanting to drive their car because they don't want to have to pay so much at the pump. There has even been a national day created to boycot getting gas on a certain day of the year. President Obama told Democratic donors in Los Angeles donors that "my poll numbers go up and down depending on the latest crisis, and right now gas prices are weighing heavily on people." He has ordered his Justice Department to form a task force o look for fraud or manipulation in the oil markets. It will "root out" any abuses, he told a town meeting in Reno, Nev.
I remember when you could fill your tank with fifteen dollars, and now I'm lucky if $25 can fill it all the way. However, gas prices have gone down somewhat, so there seems to be hope for Americans these days with getting around more affordably. If Obama keeps with his mission, I believe that eventually there will be a more efficient way to fuel vehicles, or atleast a cheaper way to get from point A to B.
In an article in American Statesmen, Obama expresses his concerns with the current gas prices.  It shows how important citizens views and worries of the economy are important to him. The following link is to this article, and by reading it you can see his view point and his plans for the future.

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